版本需求:Android 4.1 以上版本
ABC Apartment Wise Report Features:
- Maintaining Apartment records is quite a tedious work for anyone as it robs most of your peaceful time. So here we present you the perfect application (Abc Apartment wise report) that maintains your Apartment record and saves a lot of your valuable time.
- Abc Apartment wise report application can store you all apartment records like Person Name, Flat Number, Wing, Maintenance paid, the total number of Vehicles in each flat, Vehicle Number and their allotted parking number. It will be helpful for those who are willing to keep a report of the people living in your Apartment or society in each wing and their attached parking number.
- How to use:
1) Open this application and click on Allow read and Write Files Permission.
2) Now click on the Start Button and navigate to the Apartment details Screen.
3) Fill up all the details correctly like Flat name, Flat per floor, Total floors, Total wings (Min 1 and Max 26), Yearly maintenance.
4) After Filling above details click on Add Person Details.
5) Now, Fill up all the persons' details for each flat numbers.
- Here Fill up all the data like:
- Wing Name, Flat Number(Unique), Mobile Number(10 digits), Person Name and Monthly maintenance paid.
6) Add Vehicle details like:
- Vehicle Type, Vehicle Number, and Parking No. If a flat number has more than one vehicle than click on add and fill up the required details.
7) Click on Ok Button (top right) and your data will be saved and will be navigated to All details Screen.
8) All details screen:
- To Add more flat numbers, click on the add button and fill up the required details as explained in step-6.
- To update data first click on the lock button to unlock it. Then click on the item you need to change and make changes accordingly.
- To edit apartment details click on the edit button located to the right of the lock button. Make changes and click on the update button to save changes.
- Filter your searches by Flat Number, Parking Number, Name, Mobile Number, Vehicle Type, and Vehicle Number.
- Click on the Menu button to import or export data.
- Clicking on Export data will save the data in App folder.
- Clicking on Import data will asks whether you want to save your data or not. Import ".encrypted" files generated from this app.
- Key Features:
- Wing wise apartment data for each falt number.
- Filter your search by various options like Flat Number, Parking Number, Name, Mobile
Number, Vehicle Type and Vehicle Number.
- Import and Export functionality.
- Remove unnecessary paperwork.
- Free and easy to use.
- Easy user interface.